Meeting Cookbook
300 kr
Our way of meeting has changed. The world has grown and become smaller: a quick meeting with the salespeople in Shanghai and then a brainstorming meeting with the research department in Skövde.
Teams and Zoom have made digitization real and in the book you will learn how to make the most of the new opportunities. When is a digital meeting best, when is it better to have a physical meeting and in which cases are hybrid meetings preferable? But when technology no longer stands in the way, other challenges become all the more apparent. And suddenly cultural differences can have consequences. Because what happens when we have different ideas about what is right. How do we actually see hierarchy? When is it ok to interrupt someone else? And when can you say exactly what you really think?
Authors: Erik Mattsson | Pia Moberg
Team: Ola Carlson (layout) | Thomas Feiner and Helena Bergendahl (illustration)
Language: English
Pages: 124
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Erik Mattsson is a CEO, trainer, moderator and founder of Ordrum AB. He wrote Meeting Cookbook I and II, Speaker’s Cookbook and edited Skrivarkokboken (for writers in Swedish). He has also developed an online/in-person 30-day programme on presentation techniques. Erik teaches PhD students presentation skills at Chalmers University of Technology and previously taught rhetoric at Uppsala University. He lectures on a number of leadership programmes and has moderated a large number of conferences over the years. His educational background includes a degree in political science plus rhetoric, mathematics, economic history and physics. He has been hired by numerous companies, local government, county councils, organisations, universities and government agencies in Sweden and abroad. Clients include the Swedish Bar Association, SKF, Volvo, the Government Offices of Sweden, Scania, SSAB, IKEA, the Swedish Tax Agency and the National Board of Health and Welfare.
Pia Moberg is the founder of the company Japco. Focusing on cultural awareness, she trains, coaches and inspires companies and organisations. She has a PhD in Japanology from the University of Gothenburg and is a trained leadership and business coach. Pia has written the books Etikett och kommunikation i Japan, Foolproof International Communication, Meeting Sense and a number of articles and chapters on Japan, CQ (cultural intelligence), leadership, comparative rhetoric and meeting effectiveness. Customers including Volvo Group, IKEA, ABB Hitachi and the City of Gothenburg have hired Pia to train expats in culture, provide advice on intercultural issues and to run development days for multicultural teams. Pia has previously lectured at the University of Gothenburg and taught business culture, Japanese culture and society, Japanese calligraphy and academic writing. She also runs an Aikido club and holds a 6 dan black belt.
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