Diplomutbildning i mötesledning

Leading meetings in a Global and Online World är en diplomutbildning i mötesledning som omfattar 16 timmars träning fördelade på två dagar (eller fyra halvdagar). Den tredje utbildningsdagen är en halvdag och fokuserar på personlig återkoppling, redovisning av uppgifter och den slutgiltiga examinationen. Examinationen har en teoretisk och en praktisk del. Examinationen är på engelska men utbildningsspråket kan vara svenska eller engelska.


Learning how to lead meetings in a global and online world

Do you want to run meetings that have a high return on time invested for all participants? Do you want to have an intense learning process in a small group with personalized feedback? Then we can recommend our diploma training.  The training is built on the book Meeting-Cookbook – Leading meetings in a Global and Online World. With practical exercises and group workshops throughout the training, participants immediately get hands-on tools to apply in their meetings. The training covers 16 hours of training and additional 4 hours of examination and follow-up.

Target group

This training is for those in the organizations who are leading meetings on a regular basis and want to improve and refine their skills. You might be a manager, project leader, CEO, or in any position where you are chairing meetings.

You will learn to

  • Set meeting purpose & aims.
  • Quickly get a grip of the meeting context.
  • Recognize if there are  intercultural challenges in the group
  • Plan and carry out the meeting in a structured and efficient way.
  • Professionally play the chairperson’s role and the presenter’s role.
  • Understand the dynamics of the participants.
  • Communicate so the meeting can run smoothly.
  • Design the meeting to make it interactive and meaningful.
  • Feel confident in your position as chairperson.

Course structure

If the training is in-person, we recommend 2 consecutive days. If digital, we recommend four half days. The training days and the examination day should not extend to more than two weeks.

DAY 1: Context & actors

Delivery: In person or via Teams/Zoom
Duration: 8 hrs

  • THE CONTEXT OF THE MEETINGPurpose and aims – what is the difference?
    Type, time & format – Process meeting or conference? In-person, online or hybrid?
    Meeting formality – Have we communicated the correct “meeting dresscode” to the participants?
    Cultural context – to recognise culture differences and learn how to overcome them.
    Meeting rules – how and when do we create meeting rules?
  • MEETING ACTORSThe chairperson – Who is the chairperson and how is the chairperson appointed?
    Meeting participants – awareness of the relationships between people in the group.
    Facilitators – the need of facilitators

DAY 2: Roles, tools & design

Delivery: In person or via Teams/Zoom
Duration: 8 hrs

  • THE CHAIRPERSON’S ROLE & TOOLSPlay a role – the difference between “me” and my role
    The chairperson’s role – Preparation, execution, and follow-up
    The presenter’s role – Seven types of presentation that serve the purpose.
    Dialogue methods – 12 methods to facilitate the communication.
  • MEETING DESIGNMeeting modules – the components of the meeting and how to use them
    Meeting methods ­– how to create interactivity in the meeting
  • PLANNING YOUR MEETINGThe process – a step to step guide to create your own meeting
    Examples of meetings – For your inspiration!

DAY 3: Examination

Delivery: In person or via Teams/Zoom
Duration: 4 hrs



This program is built on:


Erik Mattsson

Pia Moberg

    Free Inquiry

    You can use this form to make a free inquiry about the cost of booking the course below for your workplace. You are also welcome to call us on 031 743 34 40 and we will help you.
